
Communities working together

December 08, 2014

In the remote and diverse oceans of the Scottish coast you will find close knit communities working together to help protect the oceans they so heavily rely on. BLUE provides support to partner Fauna & Flora International (FFI) as it works with local community organisations to deliver and advance effective marine conservation.

One of these organisations is the Community of Arran Seabed Trust (COAST). COAST had the huge success with its campaign to establish Scotland’s first ‘No Take Zone’ (an area closed to fishing) in Lamlash Bay and the organisation is now instrumental in the active enforcement of this site.

This year, BLUE helped FFI to fund the recruitment of Community Support Officer, Kerri Whiteside. Kerri began her adventure at the tiny island of Fair Isle where she will provide support and advice to the Fair Isle Marine Environment and Tourism Initiative (FIMETI) to help build their case for the creation of a marine protected area (MPA). In July 2014 FFI welcomed the news that the Scottish Government has designated 30 new MPAs. Kerri will help communities around many of these designated areas work out management plans to ensure that these new areas are sustainably managed.

Look out for more updates on her progress.