
The Ocean Exchange 2015

October 23, 2015

In early October, BLUE’s Project Officer Lauren Nelson was invited to attend the Ocean Exchange event held in Savannah, USA. The Ocean Exchange is an annual event that aims to bring together organisations from around the world to advance and promote their cutting edge solutions and innovations in materials, devices, processes, and systems which generate positive impact on the environment, economies or health. Organisations compete for two incentive awards with delegates sitting in on their presentations and participating in round-table discussions on all of the finalist ‘solutions’ before voting for the winners.

Another key aim of the event is to connect innovators, organisations and interested stakeholders to empower the successful application of solutions for the greater good. While at this event, Lauren met with the Founding President of the Republic of Seychelles, Sir James R. Mancham, who was so interested in BLUE’s work that he wrote an article on the organisation for the Ocean Us Live website: