
Dave Sales, Lyme Bay fisherman visits Sidmouth College and Beer Primary School

April 13, 2016 by Nicky Mitchard

Resident West Bay fisherman and schools outreach teacher, Dave Sales recently visited two schools teaching local children about the Lyme Bay Fisheries and Conservation Reserve and how he and his fellow fishermen are working together to manage the area for future generations.

Dave visited Sidmouth College back in February where he talked to a group of 30 Secondary School pupils who found the subject very engaging and had lots of questions. A feedback questionnaire carried out by the College at the end of the visit showed 90% of the pupils enjoyed the activity – the College are keen for Dave to re-visit in the Autumn term!

Dave has also visited Beer Primary School, located only a mile or so from the recently opened Jurassic Centre in Seaton. Here, Dave talked to over 111 children, a mixture of Primary school ages who sat enthusiastically listening to Dave throughout the entire session, a success in itself! Dave is planning on another visit in a week to Burton Bradstock Primary School and there are more visits in the pipeline!

If you’re interested in having Dave come to your school and teach the children about sustainable fishing, please get in touch with our Schools Outreach Administrator Nicky Mitchard by emailing: