
The Solent Oyster Restoration Project is interviewed by BBC Breakfast

June 09, 2016

Dr Joanne Preston of Portsmouth University is the first spokesperson who talks through the project, demonstrating how the cages work and the development of the pilot scheme on the LABAR pontoon. She talks through the impact of oysters on the marine environment and their incredible filtering abilities. Again, Blue Marine Foundation are positioned as the project lead.

Tim Glover of BLUE is the second spokesperson interviewed. He talks through the reasons for the decline of the oyster in the Solent, along with BLUE’s ambition to roll the pilot out across the wider area. He offers one of our key stats that a single oyster can filter 200 litres a day.

The presenter then goes on to introduce Julie Madgwick who has worked in the local fishmonger for 12 years. Julie agreed to offer a local perspective to highlight the economic advantages of the scheme to the fishing community. Julie talked about the fishery in its hay day, the decline and how important it is to be able to sell local produce and locally sourced oysters. Again Blue are highlighted as the lead instigator.

To learn more about our project in the Solent, please view our project page.