

June 30, 2017


Blue Marine Foundation, along with its long-standing partner, Boat International have teamed up for the third annual edition of The Ocean Awards, which celebrates individuals and projects that have made outstanding contributions to the health of the oceans. Meet the judges here.

The finalists will be announced in February 2018 and the winners will be announced in the June 2018 issue of Boat International.

Please see the five categories of The Ocean Awards 2018 below. Note that the action or project must fit within the given time frame of July 1 2016 to 30 November 2017. Submit your nominations for the awards here. Please note that deadline for nominations is 30 November 2017.







The Local Hero

2017 Ocean Awards Winner, Dennis Bryan Bait-It, Project Sharklink, Inc.

This award recognises the individual or group that has had the most positive impact on the marine environment within their local community this year. The winner will be a recognised leader on marine conservation issues within their community or organisation.

Criteria: Nominees for this award must either have initiated or taken a lead in influencing a significant effort for the benefit of the ocean within their community, or seen a significant milestone in a previously initiated effort.








2017 Ocean Awards Winner, Daniel Pauly & Dirk Zeller, Sea Around Us, the University of British Columbia

This award recognises the individual or research team that has made the most important scientific contribution to the ocean this year.

Criteria: Nominees for this award must have published or significantly contributed towards a game changing piece of scientific research that can be used for the benefit of global marine conservation or ocean health.








2017 Ocean Awards Finalist, Amado Blanco, ZSL-Philippines

This award recognises the individual, company or group that has done the most to drive innovation for the benefit of the health of the ocean. This could include business operations which are not undertaken at the expense of the marine environment or development of the most promising new technology (or technologies) for the benefit of the marine environment.

Criteria: Nominees for this award must have undertaken activities or commitments that will have a positive impact on the health of the marine environment, or have seen another significant milestone towards that goal. This activity or commitment must have been undertaken primarily to benefit the ocean.








2017 Ocean Awards Finalist, Global Ghost Gear Initiative

This award recognises the individual or group that has taken the lead on globally- significant actions for the benefit of ocean health. The winner of this award will have shown consistent leadership and vision on ocean issues, going above and beyond others in their commitment to protecting marine life. This can include important policy initiatives and the people behind them.

Criteria: Nominees for this award must have a demonstrable track record of leadership on marine issues. They must either have initiated or taken a lead in influencing a globally-significant effort for the benefit of the ocean, or seen a significant milestone in a previously initiated effort.







Public Awareness

2017 Ocean Awards Winner, Stuart Beck, United Nations

This award recognises the individual or group that has done the most this year to advance public understanding of marine conservation issues, be it through the mainstream media, art forms, in schools, or through campaigning.

Criteria: Nominees for this award must have initiated activities that have had a demonstrable impact on the public understanding of an important ocean issue (or issues), or seen a significant milestone in a previously implemented activity. Be this documentary makers, journalists etc.


To submit your nominations and to learn more about the ocean awards, click here.