
Blue Education Resources

March 25, 2020

Blue Marine has found that the more people learn about the ocean, the more they become passionate about protecting it. We have designed a number of educational activities that are inspired by our incredible project sites. Explore the links below to learn more about the weird and wonderful creatures you can find in the ocean, their habitats and why we must protect them!

The winners of the 2020 Ocean Award Local Hero category, Tavahiroa Elementary School in French Polynesia, are an amazing example of the impact that children can have:

You can become a Local Hero too! Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Write to your MP/your PM/President about an issue you care deeply about. Check out our ‘Dear Minister’ pdf below for some ideas!
  • Keep an eye out for ocean-related petitions and sign them to show your support.
  • Get creative and write your own song, short story, rap or even poetry about how we have to protect the ocean.
  • Help raise funds for your favourite ocean cause by organising a sponsored walk, run or any other activity you enjoy!

Blue Marine has designed educational activities that draw from the An Ocean Adventure makerzine and our project sites. We have designed these materials for various age groups and cover topics such as ecology, maths, art, geography and science.

Blue Marine Apps:

Blue Marine has partnered with Planetari and the St Helena National Trust to create a marine conservation game, which you can download for your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch: Download Secrets of St Helena (only available in some countries).

Blue Marine Digital Downloads:

  • Click here to download a maths worksheet, based around our native oyster restoration project!


  • Want to get creative? Create a piece of artwork that tells us why we need to protect our oceans or draw your favourite marine animal. Need some inspiration? Check out our Pinterest board here! We’d love to see you artwork – tag us in your posts on social media or send a photograph to

  • Our partners at Six Senses Laamu and the Maldives Underwater Initiative have created a series of ‘Junior Marine Biology’ courses! Follow this link to take part. Look out for Blue Marine’s Marine Protected Area mobile in Episode 2, part 6! These DIY mobiles were part of Blue Marine’s An Ocean Adventure makerzine.

  • Learn about habitats and ecosystems. Click here to download a worksheet to find out how ecosystems are connected!

We will be updating this list with new content when it becomes available. Make sure you follow us on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook where we will announce any updates!

If you have any questions or feedback, please email sophie@bluemarinefoundation or share your children’s work with Blue Marine on social media. We’d love to hear from you!