
Sustainable Fishing in Maldives – Laamaseelu Masveriya

September 07, 2021

Blue Marine Foundation (BLUE) launched the Laamaseelu Masveriya programme last year in collaboration with Six Senses Laamu, as an initiative to help protect the reef ecosystems in Laamu Atoll.

BLUE and Six Senses Laamu are working with local fishermen on Laamu Atoll to ensure that the fish caught for the resort have been done so in a sustainable way. The fishermen sign a code of conduct with the resort which ensure, within permitted areas, fishers focus on catching resilient species, of a mature size using non-destructive fishing methods. In exchange the resort supports these fishers, not only by purchasing their fish at a competitive price, but also through a points-based benefits scheme.

A huge thank you to Matt Porteous of Ocean Culture Life for the amazing footage.