
Our projects

Dutch Caribbean

The six islands of the Dutch Caribbean waters are host to a huge variety of species. In recent years, their governments and local conservation organisations have made major ocean conservation commitments — and we are supporting them to achieve these 

The Dutch Caribbean Islands are an ocean migratory stopover point, home to hundreds of species of fish, 25 species of sharks, and many species of whales, dolphins, and seabirds. Their combined Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs) covers 81,000 sq. km, and their coral reefs make up some of the only healthy, living reefs left in the Caribbean. Climate change has resulted in ocean warming, acidification, and an increase in storms, all of which threaten coral reef survival.  

 Blue Marine has worked here since 2020 and built good relationships with the Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA), and local NGOs, as well as the island governments.  There is high ambition in the region for conservation through the creation of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). 

In 2023, with partners DCNA and Blue Nature Alliance, we helped to catalyse major government commitments at the Our Ocean Conference in Panama. Aruba committed to creating a large MPA spanning their entire ocean area of 25,199 sq km, while the government of Curaçao said it will designate 30 per cent of its waters as a no-take MPA, covering 9,128 sq. km. Blue Marine is also supporting the St. Maarten Nature Foundation to secure the legislative framework needed for St. Maarten’s small inshore MPA.  

In 2023, together with DCNA, we began working with the Curaçao government on a Nature Policy Plan that will outline specific commitments alongside a strategic vision for the protection of the island’s nature and biodiversity. Blue Marine is providing technical assistance in drafting the plan, as well as coordinating the necessary stakeholder engagement.  

In 2024, the Nature Policy Plan will be launched; Blue Marine and DCNA will host a MPA skills-sharing workshop on/for the islands, focusing on aspects of MPA designation and implementation; we will also be working closely with partners to help achieve the Curaçao and Aruba MPA designations by the end of 2025. 

How to help

By working together, we can turn the tide on overfishing and the destruction of biodiversity. By supporting Blue Marine, you can help to create marine reserves around the world.


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