
Our projects

BLUE Media

Via a host of different channels, the Blue Media unit delivers our message of ocean conservation to audiences that range from governments to schoolchildren 

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From short films for direct lobbying, to petitions and social media campaigns, from VR experiences to mainstream television – Blue Media advocates for marine conservation through a host of channels.  

We form partnerships and coalitions for greater collective impact, and target key audiences within a conservation issue to inspire specific actions. The use of media sends Blue Marine’s message far beyond the coastline, reaching wide audiences and influencing decision-makers.   

In 2023, our campaign influenced the UK government to make a U-turn on its position on deep-sea mining; now we are supporting Blue Legal’s action against the same government over continued overfishing in UK waters. In Jersey our petition and press work made the case for significant marine protection — and the Jersey government now proposes to close 27 per cent of the island’s waters to bottom trawling and dredging.  

In the Maldives we launched the first of our #GentleToGiants campaigns, which calls on whale-shark tour operators to abide by a code of conduct, and the public to choose those operators. Twenty-two operators signed up to the code, and the social media campaign was seen 1.2 million times. Our campaign for sustainable wildlife tours has also launched in St. Helena. 

Blue Media has produced long- and short-form films to connect audiences with ocean conservation and influence behaviour. On the south coast of England, we shot the documentary-length ‘Solent – the Oyster’s Return’. In Jersey, we worked with Blue Education to make ‘Snorkel Portelet’, a story viewed through the eyes of a child who discovers the biodiversity and habitats protected by the island’s only no-take zone.  

In collaboration with a local team in Devon, we produced a documentary to mark the 50th anniversary of the UK’s first no-take zone, around Lundy Island. This includes testimony from local fishermen confirming that protection has been positive for them – a story that also emerges at the first no-take zone in Greece, where the Amorgorama campaign film is driving protection from the bottom up.  

To support Blue Marine’s largest project, the media team is also shining a light on the critical research at the heart of the Convex Seascape Survey. Films, immersive animation and the augmented reality experience of #WalkingWithWhales help to communicate the complex science that links climate mitigation with ocean health.  

Elsewhere we have now translated our immersive website ‘The Sea We Breathe’ into seven languages, including Arabic, and developed an animated VR experience, narrated by Helena Bonham Carter.  

Key stats

655,000 m² of seagrass protected in the Maldives

80+ vessels in the North Sea with pulse fishing licences that must now cease by June 2021

25% of Maldivian resorts part of the Seagrass coalition

100% Ascension Island EEZ protected

14m: audience reached on television and social media about St Helena Whale Sharks

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By working together, we can turn the tide on overfishing and the destruction of biodiversity. By supporting Blue Marine, you can help to create marine reserves around the world.


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