
Our projects

BLUE Policy

Political and legal change are crucial to improved ocean protection. Blue Policy works to persuade decision-makers to deliver laws and treaties that will make a lasting difference 

The decisions that determine whether our oceans will be restored and protected — or continue to be overexploited and degraded — are often made in capital cities far from the sea. Therefore, it is just as vital that we advocate for healthy oceans in the corridors of power as at the water’s edge. The Blue Policy unit works to ensure that meaningful, lasting changes in law and policy are delivered.   

If we are to avert the twin crises of climate change and biodiversity loss that are ravaging our oceans, we need laws and government policies that deliver on political commitments. By engaging with politicians, civil servants, and other NGOs, Blue Policy tackles many of the big issues facing our seas. We work to end overfishing, introduce genuine protection in marine protected areas (MPA), and lead Blue Marine’s efforts to improve global ocean management. 

In 2022, we held our first Blue Policy event in the Houses of Parliament, where we were able to deliver Blue Marine’s message directly to lawmakers in the seat of UK government.  

The following year, Blue Marine was instrumental in persuading the UK to reverse its position on deep-sea mining – a huge victory which has transformed the country from one of the leading proponents of the practice to supporters of a moratorium.  

After working alongside other NGOs to produce a global ocean treaty, in 2023, we saw the finalisation of the High Seas Treaty – something that has taken many years but means we can, at last, begin to protect the high seas. Beyond the treaty we continue to work with Regional Fisheries Management Organisations (RFMOs) – the bodies responsible for managing fishing on the high seas. We focus on the northeast Atlantic, and have achieved renewed bans on fishing for basking sharks, porbeagle sharks, deep-sea rays, and chimaeras. These victories have huge implications for marine life. 

Blue Policy lobbying has also covered new fisheries management plans, the reform of discard rules and the introduction of cameras on boats. In addition, we continue to lobby hard for reductions in fishing quotas to end overfishing.  

 In terms of protecting areas of sea from damaging fishing and other activities, recently we have seen: the introduction of three new, fully-protected areas in England; steady progress towards the improvement of protection in England’s offshore MPAs by the end of 2024; and the beginning of our work on how to deliver protected areas in the high seas.   


How to help

By working together, we can turn the tide on overfishing and the destruction of biodiversity. By supporting Blue Marine, you can help to create marine reserves around the world.


No matter how big or small, all donations are valuable to us.


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