
Our projects

High Seas Marine Project

Almost twothirds of the ocean is beyond national jurisdiction — can a new global treaty help protect it? 

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The high seas — those parts of the ocean beyond national jurisdiction — make up nearly two thirds of the world’s ocean, but less than one per cent of it is properly protected. A patchwork of 21 separate organisations currently regulates different species, spaces and activities on the high seas, with varying degrees of effectiveness. This regulatory system needs to be underpinned by a legal instrument specifically designed to protect biodiversity and independently assess the scientific need for protection. 

The first stage of a proposed two-year United Nations (UN) process to secure an international agreement to protect Biodiversity in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ) began in September 2018. It was Blue Marine Foundation’s (Blue Marine) ambition to raise the political and public profile of the high seas and the importance of these UN talks. 

At the same time, the UK government became the first G7 country to commit to protecting 30 per cent of its waters by 2030. Blue Marine embarked on a campaign to articulate a vision, raise awareness and ultimately encourage leadership in high seas conservation. As members of the High Seas Alliance, we were seeking a global, legally binding treaty to protect high seas biodiversity.   

Blue Marine also undertook investigative work into the inadequacies and failings of the existing regional fisheries management system. 

High Seas

Key stats

70% of the living space on Earth   

26% of CO2 absorbed

90% of human-created heat absorbed  

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