
Our projects

St. Helena Marine Protected Area

The South Atlantic island of St Helena is home to a third of all the endemic species in British territories including 11 species of fish found nowhere else in the world 

 With our partners St. Helena National Trust and alongside the St. Helena government marine team, we have been working to ensure better protection of 444,916 sq. km of ocean and demonstrate how a local, small-scale fishery can work with marine protection to improve livelihoods and improve conservation outcomes. 

The marine environment of St. Helena protects a wide diversity of species, from whale sharks to endemic fish, humpback whales to hammerhead sharks and delicate corals. Our project here is aimed to feed into the government consultation process to deliver new, stronger marine policies and fisheries legislation to manage the marine protected area (MPA). Low-impact pole-and-line tuna fishing and accredited marine tourism within the MPA support local livelihoods, while destructive activities are now legally prohibited.  

Another focus for Blue Marine’s St. Helena team is outreach and education, to encourage enthusiasm and support from the community for their island’s exceptional sea life. We continued to support whale shark research, education and outreach and scuba-diving scholarships, working with the St. Helena National Trust and dive centres to provide upskilling opportunities to aspiring marine professionals. Three scholars were selected for the 2023 programme and their open water training is underway. By providing financial support and mentorship to young people, we aim to help fill critical employment gaps on this remote and biologically important island, training the next generation of stewards of this incredible MPA.  

In 2023, we launched the #BeGentleToGiants campaign in St. Helena closely working with the St. Helena National Trust and St. Helena Tourism. The aim of the campaign is to celebrate and support responsible whale sharks´ code of conduct. In St. Helena, there are equal numbers of mature male and female whale sharks present, and there is evidence that the MPA serves not only as a feeding location, but also as a breeding ground for these sharks.  


Timeline of Success   

St. Helena’s waters were designated an IUCN Category VI MPA in 2016, allowing only sustainable use.  

In 2019, the St. Helena MPA was featured in BBC Blue Planet Live.   

In November 2023, the St. Helena MPA was declared a Mission Blue Hope spot for its outstanding marine life and the community’s efforts in improving global ocean health.  

St. Helena

Key stats





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By working together, we can turn the tide on overfishing and the destruction of biodiversity. By supporting Blue Marine, you can help to create marine reserves around the world.


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