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A Vision for National Marine Parks in Scotland

Ninety years after a government report first discussed national parks in Scotland, and almost twenty since the first two were…

News + Media

Why we need a #TACforTuna in the Indian Ocean

Yellowfin tuna in the Indian Ocean has been overfished since 2015, with scientists warning that the stock faces collapse within the next five years if fishing…

News + Media

Leyla Aliyeva attends ceremony to release sturgeons into water

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News + Media

25th Session of the IOTC – position statement

Joint statement in advance of the 25th Session of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission   Please click here to download…

News + Media

Native oysters reintroduced into Firth of Clyde

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News + Media

Online discussion highlights problems caused by drifting FADs

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News + Media

Endangered native oysters set for comeback in the Firth of Clyde

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Firth of Clyde oyster nursery aims to save shellfish

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UK’s deep-sea mining permits could be unlawful – Greenpeace

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