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Government faces huge, unquantified liabilities over potentially “catastrophic” deep-sea mining industry

An investigation into the UK’s involvement in the opaque deep-sea mining industry has revealed that the British taxpayer could face…

News + Media

BLUE joins call to stop funding overfishing

Blue Marine Foundation (BLUE) has joined 173 other organisations in calling on world leaders to end harmful fisheries subsidies before…

News + Media

BLUE’s November 2020 Newsletter

  BLUE’S NOVEMBER NEWSLETTER  Dear Friend of BLUE, As we near the end of this challenging year, BLUE is still building…

News + Media

Film Premiere of Lyme Bay: The Road to Recovery

A new documentary film Lyme Bay: The Road to Recovery by award-winning director Rupert Murray has been made available to the public…

News + Media

Blue Marine Foundation: Who We Are 2020

Blue Marine Foundation: Who We Are 2020

News + Media

Tiny Atlantic island takes giant leap towards protecting world’s oceans

Click here to read the full article.

News + Media

Tristan da Cunha creates largest no-take reserve in Atlantic 

The tiny community of Tristan da Cunha has made a very big announcement: the UK Overseas Territory, located between South…

News + Media

Are your favourite foods at risk of extinction?

Click here to read the full article.

News + Media

IOTC to hold special meeting to address yellowfin overfishing

Blue Marine Foundation (BLUE) would like to congratulate the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) and the heads of delegation who…

News + Media

A marine park ‘would benefit fishing and carbon neutrality’

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