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BLUE’s May 2020 Newsletter

BLUE’S MAY NEWSLETTER  It’s now over two months that the BLUE office has been closed and, to our collective relief,…

News + Media

Ocean Award winner urges EU not to squander the fisheries bonus of lockdown

 Listen to BLUE’s podcast with Dr Rainer Froses The COVID-19 virus lockdown could end overfishing in European waters this year,…

News + Media

Ocean Award’s Science Winner Dr Rainer Froese Podcast

BLUE’s executive director Charles Clover talks to Ocean Awards Science winner Dr Rainer Froese whose work counting fish leads him…

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Call to ‘grab chance’ to end overfishing in Europe’s seas amid lockdown

Please click here to read the full article.

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MSC labelled a “sham” in new report

Destructive industrial fisheries, such as trawls and dredges, make up the majority of fisheries approved as sustainable by the Marine…

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#LocalFishForDinner campaign podcast

Morven Robertson and Jo Coumbe discuss the drive behind BLUE’s #LocalFishForDinner campaign. Learn about how BLUE is connecting local sustainable fishing…

News + Media

Ocean Awards 2020 Winners

It’s the Ocean Awards winners week. Returning for a fifth year, the awards honour and celebrate people and organisations who…

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At the deep end of the lockdown

Please click the image below to read the full article.   Please visit:

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Covid-19 – a turning point in human history

Clare Brook, BLUE’s CEO, reflects here and in a panel discussion on how the world could emerge from the crisis of Covid-19 with…

News + Media

Now the fish comes direct to your dish

Please click here to read the full article.

News + Media

Sole-itary Confinement

Morven Robertson, BLUE’s Senior Projects Manager, takes us on her journey for local fish for dinner, from the Lyme Bay…

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