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News + Media

20 years before UK can fully leave EU Common Fisheries Policy – BLUE launches Brexit fisheries report

BLUE partnered with Fishmongers’ Hall in London to host a seminar for the UK fishing industry to hear from a…

News + Media

‘Eureka’ moment for St Helena’s whale sharks

In early June, the Blue Marine Foundation (BLUE) participated in the first annual NEX Giving Day and succeeded in winning…

News + Media

BLUE and the G7 Summit

Blue co-founder and trustee Chris Gorell Barnes proposed to the Ditchley Foundation that they host a policy conference on the…

News + Media

Fishing in Transition

Please click the image below to read the Fishing in Transition report.

News + Media

Plastic nurdles spill in Durban reaches St Helena beaches

Last week, members of BLUE’s team in the mid-Atlantic island of St Helena visited Sandy Bay beach to carry out…

News + Media

Bermuda looks at risks to and from the oceans

Bermuda is the global capital of the world’s reinsurance industry so the Ocean Risk conference which ran over two days…

News + Media

2018 Ocean Awards

The Blue Marine Foundation, together with its long-standing partner Boat International, teamed up for the third annual edition of The…

News + Media

One week aboard the RRS James Clark Ross: Vampire squid, sperm whales and depth defying algae

During my first few hours in the BLUE office back in December 2017, Charles Clover told me about an exciting…

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