Launched in 2012 by His Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco, Blue Marine Yacht Club (BMYC) was formed to unite the world’s yachting community in a clear mission to protect our oceans.
The BMYC brings a modern approach to environmental protection. Whether a yacht owner or company, the BMYC provides a platform in which supporters can express their concern for the ocean and desire to protect its future. By donating, providing their support and expertise, they are part of a project that is bringing about real change in the way our oceans are cared for. They are providing a legacy for the world that their children and grandchildren will look back on with pride.
All donations received through the BMYC go directly to support Blue Marine’s work around the world and its mission of protecting at least 30% of the ocean by 2030.
BMYC members play an active role in ensuring that our ocean remains a resource to be enjoyed by future generations. It is only through acting together that we can really make a difference.
Supporters of BMYC are recognised by three tiers of membership which indicate the level of commitment and their donation to Blue Marine and the ocean environment.
Since its launch, the BMYC has attracted influential supporters from the yachting industry including: Ernesto and Kirsty Bertarelli, Sir Charles Dunstone, Peter Lürssen, Winch Design, Imperial Yachts, Benetti, Feadship, Princess Zahra Aga Khan, Matthew Freud, and Simon Le Bon among others.
Joining the BMYC is an elite statement of intent by a group of people who have a unique ability to influence the way the ocean is treated for years to come.
Corporate Members
Media Partners
For further details about supporting Blue Marine through the BMYC please contact: or +44 (0) 207 845 5850.